
The shape, the color, the size, the possibilities, are all reasons we have become "smitten" by this squash. This season the germination rate was fairly low so the harvest was small. Despite the lack of quantity this year this squash has already opened the door to next year and with it the desire to plant at a far greater rate. In the mean time the photograhic opportunities and the culinary calling have us transfixed on this pratically perfect fall beauty! We have not even explored the flavor of this little gem but know without a doubt that beauty runs deep into the flesh of this edible cucurbita!


ks_jpl9 said…
I could read this little prose carefully. Because I would like to write you soon, I read your blog quickly. I’m Japanese, besides I’m unfamiliar with your way of writing. I’m sorry that I wrote easily “I enjoyed your blog” even though I couldn’t understand everything. I will take time to read it from now on. Pumpkin is one of my favorite vegetables. My grandma liked kabocha miso soup. Last year I had a chance to eat various kinds of pumpkins that I’ve not eaten in Japan. Your farm must have more varieties. I feel that colorful vegetables are glad to grow in your thoughtful farm. Thank you.

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